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  • Writer's picturestephaniecrass

My company - Adacel Technologies Limited

Hello fellow bloggers! Hope you are all well during these crazy and uncertain times with the Coronavirus pandemic.

It's about time that I upload a post on some background information on my company. I have unfortunately been running behind with steps 3 - 6! Working full-time and this pandemic has certainly been very distracting, so trying to catch up this week and hammer down so that I can get back on track.

The company I have been assigned is Adacel Technologies Limited

Adacel Technologies Limited specialises in developing technology within air traffic management and air traffic simulation. They provide these services globally to the defence and military forces. To be honest, I had no idea who this company was and what they actually did, from their name alone I would not have thought they provided these kind of services. But after much research I began to slowly understand the company I had been assigned. I was originally hoping to have been assigned a company that specialised in the mining or construction industry, as this is where my experience lies, but alas, it was not meant to be.

Adacel Technologies Limited operates globally, with customers not only in Australia and New Zealand but also North and South America, Europe, Africa and Asia Pacific. The air traffic management software that Adacel provides their customers is the Aurora system, which all Air Navigation Service Providers use. The Aurora system uses "advanced air traffic management capabilities to improve airspace efficiency and safety" (Adacel Technologies Limited, 2019). This system was created with air traffic controllers in mind to assist with minimising their workload. They also provide air traffic simulator training which transitions into the Aurora systems, ensuring that their customers are well prepared in using the live system.

Adacel has been recognised several times as a top simulation and training company by KMI Media Group. KMI Media Group is a leading publisher that focuses on military technologies and operations. To be recognised for these qualities seems pretty impressive, so I am keen to keep learning more about them and get stuck into their Annual report for the next part of Assessment one.

I am hoping to get my draft out very soon for Steps 3-6 so I can get some good, solid feedback from you guys and also provide feedback myself! So until then, thanks for stopping by and I look forward to seeing your blogs and what you guys have accomplished with your work :)

Adacel Technologies Limited. (2019) About. Retrieved from

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